Monday, January 21, 2008

Faizal Without A Shirt

I wonder why there is all this fuss about the rock singer Faizal Tahir bearing his chest at a live performance that was shown over 8TV. I mean what is the big deal? Are Malaysians so naive that they have never seen a man without a shirt on.

Some people have called for a more severe punishment for Faizal. Come on... let's get real. In the Malaysian drama shown on TV there are plenty of bare chested man. In sports, weight lifters and swimmers wears less clothing than Faizal. Somehow we are alright with that. Why the hypocrisy?

If it is so distasteful and offensive why does all the Malay papers published the photo in their newspapers. Is it wrong to show it on TV but alright in the print media?

Give this issue a rest please.

On another note, Faizal seems to be a fan of Superman, His chest was painted with a superman logo, and look at these two photographs of him with superman t-shirts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should also start banning all the drama Melayu that feature all the topless pak cik-pak cik that wear sarong.
