Friday, February 1, 2008

15 March Elections?

Speculations are rife that the elections will be held that on 15 March 2008, with parliament being dissolved on 1st March 2008. Everybody will be bracing themselves for the announcement by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi.

I for one am looking forward to the elections, as it is good to see the MPs going back to their kawasan, and lying through their teeth and start preaching that they have done a lot for the people they represented. Then there are all sorts of propaganda in the Media, how the opposition statements will be twisted and quoted out of context, so that they will be made to sound like a fool with no avenue to answer back except for the PAS newspaper Harakah. Hopefully more people would also turn to the internet to get a more balanced coverage of the news.

Then there is of course the poster war, where every empty space, be it walls, trees or lamp posts will be plastered with posters. The question is are people really influenced by the number of posters out there. I for one never based my decision to vote by who has more posters. I wonder if there are anybody who will say, I see there are more posters of this candidate so I must vote for him. I don’t think so.

There is also one interesting development, Tun Dr Mahathir had said that there is a gentlemen agreement between him and Pak Lah that Pak Lah will only serve for one term as Prime Minister. Pak Lah says that there is no such agreement. Nobody knows who is telling the truth. But it looks like Mahathir had made another mistake. Firstly for appointing Pak Lah as PM, and secondly for thinking Pak Lah is a gentlemen.

Even Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who would benefit the most if there was such an agreement says that he is not aware of any such agreement and that he will remain loyal to Pak Lah. Well, what else can he say?

You can read the story in Malaysiakini here.

1 comment:

cakapaje said...

Salam bro,

The problem about internet in Malaysia is it is costly for a copper based connection. Many Malaysians still rely on their office connection which for them is free. Trouble is, many companies and GLC's block opposition sites, limiting the net use.

Many Malaysians too are either lazy to surf for political sites or do not know how to find them. This sadly, is true for Malays. They would rather surf site which are non-beneficial to them. Solution?

Well, there's none really. But we can bring news to them through the various egroups.