Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anwar Should Answer This

I AM NOT AN ADMIRER OF Khairy Jamaluddin, but in the speech that he made at Kampung Kerinchi, he was quoted in Malaysiakini as saying ""He (Anwar) acts like he cares about the rakyat. What has he ever done for the rakyat when he was in Umno and as finance minister?".

You can read the full story here

I think a lot of people will agree to this and Anwar should give an answer to this question.

Khairy also said that something which I find quite amusing. "DAP main PAS dari kanan, PAS main DAP dari kiri, PKR main dua-dua dari belakang!"


Anonymous said...

Dey... this issue has been answered by Anwar 1000 times before. Need to waste time again just becoz KJ raised it ah? Ayyaaa...sudah lapok la

Najwan Halimi said...

"DAP main PAS dari kanan, PAS main DAP dari kiri, PKR main dua-dua dari belakang!"

Bro, if you watch the video of KJ's speech, he actually said "Anwar" instead of "PKR".

And that is serious!

Shoba said...

Exactly! This has been answered many, many times by Anwar. Go to his ceramah and listen-lah! Why bother listening to what that empty vessel Khairy is bullshitting about??

He is a racist and corrupt politician like the rest of BN and he dares to question the integrity of Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar himself said in a ceramah just a couple of days ago that if anyone can find one single incident where he has taken any government contracts or any other "business bribes" through government to benefit himself or his family or friends, he will resign immediately from Party President of PKR.

He said Mahatir couldn't find a single thing despite that trumped up court case with corrupt judges that sent him to jail for 8 years.

However, Anwar can cite such contracts and benefits taken by Mahatir, Badawi and other BN leaders. How dare Khairy bring up that trumped up charges against Anwar at a time when VK Lingam's case has already exposed how corrupt our judges are. It is obvious now that the case against Anwar Ibrahim was a political move by Mahatir calculated to punish Anwar and the judges being Mahatir's goons just kow towed to their Godfather.

Please go to PKR or DAP's ceramahs and listen for yourself-lah instead of listening KJ. You know very well the local Press will never publish any answer given by Anwar - so going to his ceramahs is the only way to hear his answer.

Anonymous said...

KOTA BARU: An unrepentant Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat said he would not apologise for calling Umno members orangutans, as he had meant it.

“Sometimes one has to be a bit rough for the message to hit home,” the PAS spiritual adviser said of his statement made on Sunday.

“When someone does something wrong, we should be in the position to correct him. Sometimes I advise, sometimes I use the rotan (cane). In this case, it is the rotan.

"Even the West uses the word 'animal' quite liberally. I am not even using the word ‘animal’. I am only using the word ‘orangutan’, which is not as bad," he told reporters at his office here Tuesday.

malayamuda said...

This Khairy seems to know a lot about UMNO since 1946.

Is he a reincarnation of Dato Onn Jaafar ?

He seems to know why UMNO lost in 1999, the strategies in 2004, the contributions of Mahathir and Anwar.

He even knows which MP's have performed and who have not. They evaluate everyone's report card but who will evaluate Pak Lah's report card. It has a lot of red marks in it.Some exams he didnt even attend and others he dozed off and saliva drooled all over the answer paper.

Why only question what Anwar has done in UMNO after he has left UMNO. You donkeys were all sucking up to him while he was an insider. I'm sure there are many more who are not performing currently, but you guys will only question them when they leave UMNO is it ? starting with PM.

Khairy just shut up, after Pak Lah you will be history cos Najib will choose his cousin Hishamuddin and you will remain in 4th floor for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

KJ also "main" Anwar's daughter before he went and "seduce" Nori. What right has KJ to talk about others? What has KJ brings to Malaysia besides rubbish , racist speeches? Oh I forgot he and his MakRempit speeches ! We know he is not very smart but dont have to show the whole world he is stupid. He probably be a junior Govt servant or bank officer if he is not the SIL.

Anonymous said...

That reflects the party and the system he was in.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is accusing Anwar of corruption. The question is what did he do when in is in UMNO and in the government?

Did he remove the repressive ISA?

Did he Abolish the Printing Press Act?

He was in government when Tun Salleh Abbas was sacked what did he do.

What did he do when he was in Government, that is the question. When he was in government he was no different than all the other Ministers now in the Barisan Nasional. Now that is a fact.

Shoba said...

What did he do? He went to jail for 6 years for standing up against the might of the Mahatir Juggernaut!

Do you think its up to him to abolish ISA or Printing Press etc when Mahatir was ruling with an iron fist?

He started of just by refusing to raise the toll. As Finance Minister he said "Isnt' it enough that the country is making RM400 million from toll? why do you have to raise again?" He said at a ceramah he was heckled and bullied until finally someone admitted to him that too much money had been spent greasing the hands of people all the way from Johor to Kedah and Anwar simply has to "tow the line" or it will be political suicide for BN.

Still he refused and got sacked. Before he was arrested he held many ceramahs all over Malaysia to tell people the Truth. And after that he went to jail for years and did not get out until Mahatir left office. If the old man had remained in power, there is no doubt Anwar would have continued languishing in prison. Just like the Hindraf 5 are doing now under new BN PM Badawi.

This is the evil regime of BN - locking people up for speaking the truth. Again I say, attend Opposition ceramahs-lah. Whether DAP or PKR - it will open your minds, rather than reading the lying newspapers.

Anonymous said...


They would happily discredit others for their own gain. They wouldn’t mind resorting to character assassination as they have run out of ideas to fight the Barisan,” he added.

so he says...
this coming from someone who is able to campaign based on anal sex jokes... when the country is in ruins like issues of economy, racial tensions, corruptions...

he truly appeals to those with lesser intelligence..

Anonymous said...

what a shit u r talking about..kj said and talked proudly in front of people when he actually doesnt do anything AT ALL..he only knows to kipas and kipas until his kipas is all worn out...i heard that his winning in recent election is all shit..he LOST in the first count but eventually,he was declared the winner for the second count..why KJ??so desperate to be in the parliament that you have to do something BENEATH THE TABLE OF TRUTH???